Friday, February 24, 2012


Change February 24, 2012
I am so grateful for change. I’m grateful that every day is a new day and we don’t have to keep reliving mistakes from yesterday. I’m grateful that you are a God of redemption. Who always wants to give us a fresh start. That even the concept of days is that of starting over. The sun sets and then it rises again. And every day is fresh and filled with possibility.

I’m grateful that you love restoration. That you make new life out of the old. And that you make beauty out of the dirt and the dust. If there’s one thing I know you want me to remember it’s that you make all things new. That what was broken can now be made beautiful. That anything can be fixed. That nothing has to stay stuck and that every day is a chance to start living something different.

I love change. I love new friends and new faces. I love traveling to cities I’ve never seen in person. I love trying new foods and hearing new jokes. I even love the simplest things like trying out new hair styles and wearing things I normally wouldn’t wear. I love firsts. Even though they’re hard. Even though they hurt sometimes. Even though they’re awkward and uncomfortable I still love them. Because with firsts comes freedom.

Tomorrow is a new day. A new chance at life. A new day to get it right. It’s new foods and a new restaurant. It’s new routes and new streets. It’s new possibilities. And tomorrow’s possibilities are endless.

Purple Shirt

I wrote this a while ago on a day of remembrance. In 2010 there were a number of gay students who were taking their own lives. It devastated me. So people got together and wore purple shirts in honor of their lives. I was sitting there in my purple shirt crying. My heart was breaking for these students. Here's what I wrote:

Purple Shirt 10/20/10
I put this shirt on and I dedicate it to you. Young man. Too young to die. It’s purple because it reminds me of your pain. Of bruises hidden from the world. Buried beneath a facade of laughs and an heir of superiority. Anything to get through the day and to hide yourself away from one more round of teasing. Purple is beautiful, in it’s brightness and boldness. It is soft and gentle. It is loud and confronting. It is royal and honorable. All of the things that you were and could have been if you had chosen to live longer. If you had chosen to hang on for just a few more years. Holding on until the torment ceases and this moment fades into a distant memory of a time during your awkward teenage years.
We all have them. Sometimes mine got so dark that I wanted to end it all too, but I didn’t. Thank God. And I only have God to thank for that. But you didn’t realize it. You didn’t realize that in the midst of all your pain there is a God who loves you. That it doesn’t matter what His followers might say, God is crazy about you. But you never got a chance to hear that. All you heard instead were the lies, shouted to you by an enraged enemy. Whispered to you in the middle of the night. The torture you felt when you looked in the mirror and saw your own face looking back. The torment between feeling something so honest and pure, and not knowing if what you felt was right. But isn’t love right? When is love ever not right?
You never understood how you could be made this way and you tried so hard to make it stop. But, it wouldn’t stop. So instead, you embraced it, thinking that maybe by being who you are you would eventually be happy. And so, you got up each day, put your pants on one leg at a time, and walked out the door. Going to school. Doing normal things like a normal boy. All the while, you were mocked for just living your life. Not understanding why other people could hate you so much.
“There must be something inherently wrong with me,” you thought, as you tried to look into your own eyes. But you couldn’t see it. You couldn’t see why other people could be so angry with you. But as time went on, you started to see it too. You started to believe the judgments. You started to absorb the hate. And soon looking at yourself in the mirror became too much. Wrapped up in a world of lies, surrounded by shouts of anger, buried beneath daggers of disapproval and hate you felt like you were being eaten alive. Soon the pain became too strong to bear. So you decided to give them what they wanted. No more “living in sin.” No more sitting in isolation. No more representing all that they wanted to be, but were too afraid to become. When the weight of the mocking became too much, you did the worst thing you could do. Ending it all with a self-inflicted wound. Thinking that what you were doing would be best for all.
            So today, I wear this purple shirt. Hoping that my choice of wardrobe will somehow make amends for your choice in departure. Hoping in this way to show you that I care. Even though it’s too late for you to see it. But somehow still, through the solidarity of a nation showing our support for your soul, hopefully others like you will see us, standing together, and know that they are not alone.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hippo Vid

It's been a really really long time.
I don't know if anyone even reads this anymore.
But I saw this video and just wanted to share it.

"I don't know whether she sees me as a hippo or sees herself as a human."

God can connect us all if we just look for the love in the other person. I think she sees the God in him.


Friday, November 18, 2011


Thought for today:

We enter ministry in order to help heal others, but GOD uses ministry in order to heal us.

I was reading an email and that just occurred to me. Maybe Ill write more on it later, but for now I'm sick of staring at a screen. :)

Love to you.

Monday, October 17, 2011

I guess I miss you...

I wrote the first writing tonight and then realized that it sounded familiar. So I searched "My lover and my friend" and found the second one. I think this theme is a theme I write on a lot. So it's possible that there are a hundred writings on my computer on this subject that all sound similar to these two. Maybe it's the season I'm in right now...I miss you.

Love to you.

These are hard to post. It's so weird when you realize something about yourself and then somehow a part of you just feels open. Like "What do I do now? How do I sew this one back together?" I guess that's God's job not mine.

Love to you reading this.

October 16, 2011
Where did you go my little friend
My dear friend
My best friend
You are the one who is always there for me
The one I miss so much right now
Why can’t I hear from you?
See you
Be with you
I need you
Because life without you really isn’t so great at all
I can go on living
But I’m not really breathing at all
Taking in breaths
To keep my body alive
It’s on life support
While you
My real life
The one who lets me know that I am truly
I need you
Because without you I’m just sad
Without you it’s just
Crunching numbers
Making photo copies
Loading excel charts
The cut
The paste
And the
And the pasting
Is what will
Kill me
I need you
New original thoughts
Words that flow from my hands
Melodies and rhythms that come from so deep inside
You sing to me and I need you
You whisper to me and I want to hear you
I miss it being us
You and me working through the night
You and me keeping me awake
You and me making the world a better place
I took you for granted
And you left
I ran from you
And you stopped chasing me down
I hid you
And you stopped making me feel ashamed
You decided you had better places to go
And needed to find yourself someone who would actually
Appreciate you
I’m sorry
I’m sorry I lied to you
I’m sorry I ran from you
I’m sorry I pushed you away
I’m sorry I forgot about you
I’m sorry I took you for granted
Because you are my best friend
My soul mate
You are the one I wake up to
You are the one I look for in the night
I miss the sound of your voice
And your sweet kisses on my forehead
I thought that you were a waste of time
And that instead I should be
Making money
Finding meaning
Making everyone proud
But you
Were there
Sitting alone with me
And you and I would
Laugh and laugh
And sometimes you’d bring me to tears
And other times you’d bring me to my
But I’d always walk away
I’d always walk away
I’d always walk away
I miss you
The sound of your voice is fading
With fifty hour work weeks
Doing God’s work
Going through the motions
Trying to figure things out
Busying myself
With files
Stacks of paper
Running errands
Forgetting to grocery shop
And new friends
Friends who don’t get me the way you do
Friends who could never ever be
My best friend
The one I wake up to
The one who interrupts my dreams
The one who runs through my mind
The one who forces me to pull over while driving
The one who hallucinates my vision
The one who crops the trees into photographs
The one who speaks in third person in my brain
The one who sees the whole world as a movie
The one who views color as somehow
Than anyone else
You there
My lover and my friend
You there
Sitting on the edge of my brain
You there
Reaching out through the darkness
You there
Shooting like a lazer beam from Heaven
You there
Holding me through the chaos
You there
Reminding me that nothing else matters
You there
Telling me to just keep going
You there
My hope and my future
My dreams and my past
My visions and my eternity
You there
Mirroring me in the reflection of my
You there
The one I need the most
Because you connect me to myself
And My Father
You there
And my 
You there

March 19, 2011
I want to Remember
What it is that I
What is it that made me want to sit in a lab
For hours
And just
Scene after scene
Shot after shot
Until it told the story
I had already written
What is it that compelled me
Pulling me there
Placing me in that spot
Behind a camera
In front of a computer
With a head set on
And Final Cut open
Trying to create a new history
A new story
Of a time idealized
And made up
And brought to life
By my eyes
And let out
For just a moment
From the center of my heart
I want to remember you
My muse
My past
The one that I used to dream about
I want to remember what made me tick
What drew me to you
What made me want to live in you
I want to hold onto you
The past that I have erased
The past that I have destroyed
The past that I have desecrated
I burned you
I buried you
I shut you out
Pretending that you don’t exist
That you never existed
At all
I tried so hard to forget you
My friend
My lover
You became my foe
No longer the one I wanted to be but instead an
Of a time that I just wanted to let go of
You hurt me
With your lies
With you promises of a dream come true
With your ideas of what could possibly happen
I remember
Standing on the el tracks in Evanston
So excited to get a chance to get to know you
So desperate for the realization that I might actually
I wanted you
My friend
I thought about you so dearly
I talked to my mom on the phone
And couldn’t stop smiling
Dreaming about you
Loving you
Feeling you
And then
You betrayed me
You broke my heart
You used me
You made fun of me
You destroyed me
I had to get you back
I wanted revenge on you
It was too late
So instead I ran
I turned around and ran from you
I pushed those parts of me that grew in you
Because I wanted nothing at all to do with you anymore
I didn’t want to remember that
That blow
Of a dream differed
I didn’t want to think about how much I loved you
If I could only forget ever loving you
Then I would never have to be hurt
But I didn’t realize something
I didn’t realize by forgetting you
By killing you
By destroying you
By erasing you
I was actually
And erasing
A deep part of
A part that didn’t just happen over night
A part that wasn’t birthed in a moment of consequence
But you were developed
Like the images of a photograph coming into view in the dark room
You were my dreams
Coming to life before my very eyes
You weren’t just a Hollywood fantasy
You were hours and hours
Days and days
Months and months
Years and years
Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood
And Pinwheel
You were my
My only friend
And by killing you
I killed my past
But not just the moment you hurt me
But the years and years it took to get to know you
I divorced you
And in leaving you I left a big part of me
The one who was formed in the hours of watching TV
The one who was molded in the nights of falling asleep
Dreaming through the night about a time
And a place
Where memories are recreated
Where dancers never stop moving
Where life is lived out loud
Where the lights always twinkle
And the stars shine brighter than the sun
That place
Where you had swept me to
Where you had called me to
It wasn’t just a fluke
A failed season
It wasn’t a change in weather
It was you
And me
And moving
Living and loving
Twinkling and shining
Through time and space
From that point to this one

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Seasons Change

I'm sick. Sucks. And I know the reason I'm sick is because the seasons are changing. Not because I've been on an emotional whirlwind this week. Not because I'm exhausted. Not because I work a ton. Not because I've stopped washing my hands every time I put something in my mouth, and instead have decided to "embrace germs." No. Only because it is Autumn and the leaves are falling from the trees and the days are getting shorter and my allergies are spiking and it is no longer Summer.


So I didn't feel like writing, but felt like I should blog about SOMETHING as I haven't in quite a while. So I wanted to see if I could find an old writing on Autumn and I found this one. Which isn't really about Autumn at all but is more about Summer. I wrote it on March 7, 2011, which I realize was right after my California trip and smack dab in the middle of my wrestling with moving there.

The seasons are changing and so is my life. I can feel it. As the nights start earlier and the air gets colder and the trees start to drift off into hibernation here is my life, entering a season of change. I started a new job, I can feel my friendships shifting, and so is my heart. I'm craving color and new foods and new songs and a new relationship with God. 

I'm starting to realize how present God has always been in my life. I'm realizing that God designed me a certain way and encouraged me to be this way throughout my life. When I started a new relationship with God three years ago, I decided that the old was gone and the new was here. While I think that's true to an extent, I also think that God was molding me even back then. I was too quick to run away from who I'd always been and trying to find out a new person. But I'm still me. I think I believed "dying to yourself" meant leaving the parts behind that aren't only focused on God. While part of me knew that God doesn't want me to be a Zombie for Christ I still stifled parts of me. Good parts of me. So now I think I'm entering a season of remembering who I am and embracing God within all of that.

Yes I'm babbling. Yes I'm thinking outloud. Yes I'm making this up as I go along. Would you expect anything else?

I've always thought my favorite season was fall because it has so many great parts to it. But Fall is always SO SHORT. My favorite weather is high of 75 and a low of 60. Nothing colder than that. I like it warm but not HOT.

Babble done.

Love to you for reading this.
March 7, 2011
You are a distant memory
Floating on an Autumn breeze
Right into my September
You are no longer here with me
Though I so wish that you could be
Somewhere past December
I remember you like I was a child
Sitting in your July sun
Running through your August clouds
Sifting through your June green grass
With your light shining bright
And beads of sweat dripping down the contours of my back
Running along the hollow of my spine
As I sit back and enjoy your
Warm brown turpentine
And now I wait for you
While I freeze inside a too-long winter
Looking backwards from March
Wondering how there could still be snow this late
In the season
I look up at the sky and see no trace of you
Only grey and white
With my dear friend
Mr Sun
Trying so hard to
The clouds
The trees remain brittle and brown
Showing no sign of life around
And all the while I’m looking down
At mud
And melting snow
Wondering why it
Refuses to just
Die already
I see this one grey skinny limb
Of a tree that needs leaves in order to seem fatter
As it breathes 
Searching for a sign of air
Between these gusts of cold winter chill
And you there
Whispering in a dark midnight
Telling me of times when stars danced overhead
And I could lay beneath them
Wrapped up in you my lover
And my friend
I miss you
Because you bring me closer to the way things should always be
Laying in the shadow of a green tall tree
A place where I can feel my toes
And my fingers don’t burn in an
Icy block
Where my car is clean and shiny black
And not caked in
And grey
A place where colors fade in the sunlight
The sky is always a bright blue
Ice cream cones drip down my arm
Flip flops
And tank tops
Are worn every day long
A place that exists somewhere
Right now
Where drive ins last all year round
And the thought of snow days is a fable told by an old ancient
Where palm trees grow tall
And look like hairy creatures from
The Wild Ones
And you
Are no longer just a three month long season
You are no longer just a time of year
You are no longer a momentary lapse
A brief existence
But instead you are
Take me there Summer
Take me to that place where I can be with you all year long
Where I can see the brightness of your face
And be enveloped by the warmth of your beauty
Rainbows come after the storm
The ground is always hot with sunlight
I could cook an egg on the side walk
I can catch you like a lightening bug
In a Mason Jar
Take me there
To that place where I never need a coat
And gloves are only an option
And I never ever again have to scrape
Ice from my windshield
Where my automatic starter never gets used
My winter boots stay in the closet
Converse can be worn
All year round
Where I can leave the house with wet hair and
Know I won’t catch Pneumonia
I can ride around with the windows down
I can go for long walks outside
Where the lakes aren’t frozen over
I can camp out in my back yard
I can sleep outside in a tent
Concerts are held under the stars
Convertibles are in fashion
I never ever have another sinus headache
A place where the trees never die
And the squirrels never hibernate
The wind always blows as a
And you are there
My Lover
My Friend

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Another Adventure Post

Here's another thing that came up under "adventure." I was still working at an actual job when I wrote this, but I guess in my mind I was already gone. I think I subconsciously know that whatever I do I will always be a writer. I think I know (or maybe fear) that whatever job I get hired to do will always be somewhat temporary.

Here's this one.

Love to you.

December 5, 2010
I write and I paint. And I communicate. Through words and photographs and doodles. Through sighs and tears and deep deep laughs. I hold onto the world, and then for a moment, I let it go. Out into thin air. Where it twists and turns and floats far away from me. Disappearing like a mist on the breeze. Other people get up every day. They brush their teeth and wash their face. They get dressed in their business casual, scrub pants and scrub tops, suits and dress skirts attire and then, they head out the door, to an office or a hospital or a factory or the top floor of a sky scraper and they put in their 8-10 hours and they do work. But not me. I sit at home or in coffee shops, I go to the library or to the book store and I type and type for minutes on end, about thoughts going on somewhere inside of my brain. 

And somehow, it feels so invalid. Like what I do isn’t real. Like what I do is just an attempt at a life that exists somewhere off in la la land. I fight it. I fight this lack of regard for what I do with my life. I try to pretend like I feel legit by actually closing the door during writing time or taking a shower, getting dressed, and leaving the house to go off to somewhere else. Somewhere where people are walking about. Where I have the chance to interact with other human beings. And not just sit inside of my own head.

But somehow, it still feels like it’s fake. Like what I do isn’t actually doing anything at all. When I sit on the couch and type away, and then someone comes over and talks to me, interrupting the stream of consciousness flowing towards the screen, it always startles me. Startles me out of the moment. Out of the stream. Out of the flow of the work I am doing. I get so annoyed, like those thoughts are lost forever. And I want to tell them. “Please, when I am typing away, please do not talk to me.” But it sounds so rude. I want to get one of those big red lights, like Uncle Jessie had on Full House when he was recording in the basement. I want to hang it above my head and when it’s on people will know not to bother me. But I know that they don’t get it. Like what I’m doing is just playing on the computer, while what they do is actual work.

I feel silly comparing the two. Comparing my typing my thoughts to your dispensing valuable medications or giving check-ups to sick three year olds. But this is all I have. This is my only occupation. For now. Or possibly, hopefully, fearfully forever. I want to say, “I would never come to your job and interrupt you while you are on the clock and for me this is my ‘on the clock’.” But they could never understand that. Because to them, I am just searching the Internet or playing around or wasting time and not actually writing anything of value. Or so I feel in my head. I may be completely wrong about all of this.

            I always feel the pressure. Of starting all over. I wonder if it’s too late. If you can’t really switch professions at twenty-nine. I become enraged at myself for getting a Bachelor’s degree from a liberal arts college instead of going to a University where I would have started some sort of valid career path. I kick myself for actually going to school to get a Masters in Communication. I mean who does that? Who goes to school for six years and ends up with two completely worthless degrees? In my self-deprecating fantasies, I wish that I could do it all again. Go back and get on a solid career path at eighteen. Instead of dreaming my life away through college and grad school. 

Sometimes I wish that I could get up like everyone else. Get dressed in my uniform and then head out the door to corporate America. A land where I fit right in. Where I am able to run the rat race with everyone else. Where I look like and blend in with everyone else. In this perfectly corporate fantasy I have an actual job. One that I go to every day. That makes a dent in this world. Something that I can explain easily and doesn’t involve being labeled as illegitimate or idealistic.

            But I know that this is not for me. I know that my fate has been signed, sealed, and delivered. And instead, I am doomed to always be a writer. To always be a dreamer. To always be stuck somewhere in the delusions of my mind. And for this, I am somehow grateful. Because this is who I am. I am a girl with an afro and a nose ring and a very visible tattoo on her left arm. Who likes to dress in bright colors. Who actually loves the feeling of typing and gets excited over glitter and new fonts. I am not a number cruncher or a uniform-wearer and I would be absolutely miserable if I had to do either for 8-10 hours a day. I know that if I didn’t write I would not be me. That a huge part of me would wither away and die. 

And I know that that part of me is actually the best part of me. The part of me that believes in something. The part of me that smiles and laughs and can always see the good in every situation. The part of me that likes new people right away. The part of me that wants to hug you even though I’ve only known you for an hour. The part of me that sings loudly even when I’m off key. The part of me that lives for adventure and trying new foods and seeing new sights. The part of me that listens really intently and only speaks after I’ve heard you out. Or apologizes if I interrupt you in excitement. The part of me that is genuine. Sincere. Who really does love you even though we’ve just met. The part of me who lives for the sound of music and the sight of clear blue skies and mountain peaks. That visceral part of me. That feels things so deeply and can always relate even if I’ve actually never been there. But I always feel like I have. 
 That part of me. The best parts of me. The parts of me that I know are deeply connected to the heart of God. 

These are the parts of me that bring me to the computer every day. The parts of me that doodle on napkins. The parts of me that paint and sew and read and sing and watch movies and laugh and laugh and laugh. The parts of me that hug tightly and never want to let go. And all of these parts of me would die if I wasn’t creating. If I wasn’t communicating. I know that I wasn’t made to wear a suit every day. I wasn’t made to even put on a stethoscope every day. I was made to create. To write. To speak. To listen. To vision. To dream. 

This is my work. And this work is valid.